QUESTION: Should Obama & Hillary Be MADE To Answer For Benghazi Now?
Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (D-FL) has said that what happened in Niger is ‘Trump’s Benghazi’. At least now we have a Democrat admitting that Benghazi was Benghazi. Though that makes one wonder… Is it time for another look at the Hillary and Obama’s Benghazi ? It seems like Obama and Hillary have more important things to do than to explain the deaths of the American lives that were lost that night. Obama refused to answer questions about the terror attack that took place in 2012 in Benghazi when he was in office. Do you think that now he’s the former President, he should be held responsible for this and be made to answer questions? Remember, there was a ‘stand-off’ relating to this before he left office. The House Select Committee on Benghazi and the White House are in a stand-off over whether President Obama should answer questions about the 2012 terror attack. Catherine Herridge reported on “Outnumbered” that the conflict is com...