McCain is the first victim That Donald Trump Will Remove From Office Thanks To The British Spy

McCain is the first victim That Donald Trump Will Remove From Office Thanks To The British Spy
John McCain is blowing a gasket after his part as Hillary Clinton’s mystery specialist has quite recently been outed by Sir Andrew Wood, a previous English represetative to Moscow. Wood’s chance in Moscow was spent managing the English insight officers or English government agents. As the head “spymaster,” Wood was drawn closer by John McCain in November 2016, directly after Trump won the presidential race.

McCain was found lying, “Upon examination of the contents, and unable to make a judgment about their accuracy, I delivered the information to the director of the FBI. That has been the extent of my contact with the FBI or any other government agency regarding this issue.” Truly? No, John McCain was circling Canada with it, demonstrating it to God just knows what number of individuals, as Sir Andrew Wood announced.
All in all, that is the million dollar question — how did Jon McCain get the dossier? From every angle, McCain is the primary connect to have it and that bodes truly gravely for him as examinations no uncertainty are coming. McCain’s so frightened, he was up at first light on Friday, going on an against Trump tweet frenzy. Trump let him know, it’s all finished by re-tweeting Sean Hannity’s “Tick, Tock” post, sending the message that there is no place to cover up and heads will roll.


  1. 'What a welcome event it would be for this career traitor to finally be exposed and dealt with officially and appropriately... And I don't really care if he DOES have brain cancer... his treason has cost lives and he MUST be held accountable.... NOT just allowed to step down from his long-held US Senate seat.

  2. See Married to the Mob, John McCain

  3. Seize assets return to the American People... put in Social security fund.


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